Farming is an exercise in patience. We sow seeds and then we wait….and wait…and wait some more. Our wheat, for example, was planted last October and will be harvested sometime this month. The seeds will be shipped and ground into wheat flour. The stalks will be baled and eventually spread over our strawberries to protect them for the winter.

Our June bearing strawberry season is drawing to a close. Our everbearing plants are just beginning to produce ripe fruit (see picture below). In the meantime, we continue to have customers itching to make jam and we have very little to offer while we wait. It seems like we’ve had to disappoint alot of people this week who were either caught off guard with the early end to the season, or just want one more taste 🙂

Our cucumbers are getting close to being ready to pick. Our list of pickling cucumber orders gets longer by the day. Customers that ordered weeks ago are calling and wondering “when will they be ready?” All we can do is wait…and watch…and fertilize… and water…and wait some more.

Our tomatoes are looking beautiful…but still green. It’s still early to expect ripe field tomatoes but James always says it seems to take FOREVER for tomatoes to ripen!

Our first 2024 sweet corn was planted on April 10th. We planted a variety called “274”. It’s a gourmet sweet variety, and we always get good feedback about it, but it’s not the fastest variety to mature. We see social media pictures of other farms harvesting corn and get calls from customers who are patiently waiting for their first taste…but we still need to wait. The silk is starting to dry which is an indicator that it’s getting close! Maybe sometime in the next week 🙂 The birds and raccoons will know when it’s ready. Let’s hope we get it before they do!